Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pet Peeves

Here is a list of my pet peeves, and other things that make me angry.
In no particular order.
Not inclusive.
Consider this your first warning.

  • Bad grammar
  • Tapping fingers on a desk or table
  • "Cammo" as a fashion statement
  • When people tell me something I already know
  • Using the word "y'all" more than once in a sentence.  (really, using it at all bothers me, but I'm trying to be reasonable because I live in Alabama...)
  • When people tell me I'm a yankee because I grew up in St. Louis
  • When people suggest that I do something I am already in the process of doing
  • When people are fans of a college sports team, and they have never attended said college
  • Unwarranted advice
  • Putting emphasis on the incorrect syllable of the word "guitar" (GIT-ahr instead of gi-TAHR)
  • Arrogance
  • When people pretend the know more than they really do instead of just asking a question
  • When people won't answer a question
  • When I am mistaken for a student, or a teenager
  • Micromanaging
  • When people haven't read the book, but they still go to see the movie
  • When people find out I'm a musician and feel the need to inform me of their experience playing the clarinet or flute in middle school band
  • Small talk
  • Lists of pet peeves

1 comment:

  1. oops I probably said "y'all" a hundred times on our trip to IKEA. I don't mind the word but it drives me crazy when people spell it wrong!!! ya'll instead of y'all. learn contractions!!!!

    but hey at least I didn't tell you how to do your taxes :)
