Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Doctor's Office

I went to the doctor today with a list of problems, and I got prescribed a list of medications, shots, and blood tests.  What fun. (sarcasm)
This, dear friends, is why I feel uncomfortable going to the doctor: I'm afraid I'm a hypochondriac.
Sure, I've been experiencing dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, aching joints and muscles, sore throat, tiredness, chest pains, acne, and a myriad of other ailments.  But, I'm afraid if I say something, and they don't find anything wrong, then I'm just being a Nervous Neville and I need to chill.  On the other hand, what if I have some crazy disease, and I don't say anything?  Then, I die a tragic and preventable death.
All that being said, I really hope the doctor finds something wrong in my blood tests.  I know that sounds absurd, but I'd rather there actually be something wrong with me than realizing that all my symptoms are psychosomatic.

So, now I have a new bedtime routine to account for some nasal spray and acne cream.  I'm not so sure about this nasal spray, because I feel like I'm choking on my own spit.  I hope I get used to it soon!

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